Pick a Winner

April 13, 2021 6 By Jeff Dellovade

After a few weeks of written blog posts I’ve decided to try to step up my game and take a run at a video blog.  You’re making history here so there’s no promises on the content or quality of this one.  We’ll just use this one to set the bar (however low that might be) as a measuring stick for future attempts.

A disability doesn’t mean that you need to give up the things you liked to do prior to your disability nor does it mean you can’t try new endeavors either.  All it means is that you have to adapt to your new situation.  A little ingenuity and some trial and error and before you know it you’ll be participating and enjoying the hobbies you’ve always been active with, and maybe some new ones as well.

I’ve used my recent venture into learning to play the guitar as an example of this process.  The video below helps illustrate how you cans till enjoy any activity you want regardless of your limitations.  I hope you enjoy it.

World Premier Video Blog for That’s How I Roll