The Best of Times, The Worst of Times

April 20, 2021 1 By Jeff Dellovade

This Monday was Patriot’s Day and it should also have been the 125th running of the Boston Marathon.  However, due to the ongoing COVID issues the race has tentatively been moved back to October 11th this year.  Historically speaking, this week has been quite eventful for me over the course of my life.

At 6 feet somethin’ and 100 and nothin’ and hardly a speck of athletic ability I managed to win two Boston Marathon quadriplegic division titles in 2000 and 2001.  This week marks the 20th anniversary of the last of those victories.  I’m not saying I’m old but I am eligible to participate in the senior division these days.

This week also marks the 1 year anniversary of my leg amputation surgery.  This event is not looked back on as fondly.  However it make you appreciate the opportunities you have and look forward to future possibilities.

With a year of relative good health under my belt, this was supposed to be the season of my much anticipated return (by me, at least) to competition.  Like everyone else’s plans these days, that got derailed by the COVID restrictions still in place.  Eventually all of this will subside and we’ll all be able to participate in the events we enjoy.

If I’ve learned nothing else it’s that you need to take advantage and enjoy the opportunities you have when they are available.  As a disabled person our health is a fragile thing and any number of additional occurrences can sideline you for a significant amount of time.  Enjoy the good times, learn from the bad and don’t think that it’s ever over or too late to get back into it.

At 51, I figure I’ve got 20 more years of competition in me so whenever we get to line up and go again I’ll be there.  Being unable to only makes you want to get back to it as soon as you can.  Don’t let any setbacks you encounter dictate when you’re done doing what you want.  I’m not done yet.  Just don’t call it a comeback, I’ve been here for years because….

….that’s how I roll.